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My name is Maria Nogueroles, I am twenty years old and I am from Spain. I am an international Fashion Branding student coursing a Fashion and Textile Technologies bachelors degree at the Amsterdam Fashion Institute.

I am a young creative, expressing my creativity through visuals as well as digital experiences. I invite you to take a look into some of the projects I have done. I am a photography enthusiast hence, the photography projects. I use a Canon Ae1 analogue camera, and for digital projects I use programs like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign and Figma.

I was raised in Spain, where I had the privilege to attend a European School. I was able to attain the best linguistic and academic skills. I then pursued my creative career and moved to Amsterdam where I currently course a degree in Fashion and Textile Techonologies. I have finished a UX/UI design internship at the Karl Lagerfeld headquarters for seven months. My next plan is to finish my Bachelors degree and then pursue a Masters program in London!


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